Rescue Missions

On-line Recruitment
Do you want to publish service opportunities and have volunteers register and sign up for them on-line? Samaritan’s system makes it easy to enter or update your service opportunities and have them automatically appear online. Do you have special needs for certain events or times of the year? You set up your opportunities in advance and have them automatically appear on and later be removed from your website on the schedule you set up.

Custom Branding
Do you want a system that will match the investment you have made in the look and feel of your website? Our team will create a beautiful public facing system for you that will seamlessly match the look and feel of your site so that visitors and volunteers won’t be able to tell that it wasn’t your own team that did it. Take a look at these examples:

Custom Branding
Do you want a system that will match the investment you have made in the look and feel of your website? Our team will create a beautiful public facing system for you that will seamlessly match the look and feel of your site so that visitors and volunteers won’t be able to tell that it wasn’t your own team that did it. Take a look at these examples:

Specialized Forms
Do you have different registration requirements for different types of volunteers such as youth, adults, or groups? Do you need to gather different information from volunteers for different opportunities such as short term or long term service? Samaritan’s VMS allows you to have different types of registration forms for each of your unique volunteer types and service opportunity needs. If a volunteer signs up for one type of service and then later switches to a different type of service the form will automatically change to gather the additional new information that is needed when they sign up for the new opportunity.

Do you have lots of jobs organized into shifts with specific schedule requirements? Do you need to keep track of which shifts are full and which still need more volunteers? Samaritan’s VMS provides powerful scheduling capabilities. Volunteers can sign up for specific shifts on line and see the number of positions still available for each shift in either a calendar or list format. Shifts that are full are automatically removed from display. As a volunteer coordinator you can see at a glance who is currently scheduled to come in and if you still need more people. Our system can also send automatic reminders to those who have signed up.

Easy Sign In
Do you need to keep an accurate log of who has arrived on site, when they arrived, when they left, and how much time they served. Samaritan makes it easy. Our roster based Sign-In option displays a list of all the volunteers who are currently scheduled to come in with a Sign In button next to each name. The volunteers just click or tap the button and it changes to say Sign Out. When they leave they just click the button again. It’s that easy. Our system automatically calculates the hours and makes it simple for you to report totals for any period of time and by the jobs the volunteers came to do. If you’re looking for more security during sign in we offer several other options. Ask us about them.

Customized Onboarding
Do you have several steps in your process of on-boarding volunteers that you would like to track? Interviews? Orientations? Do you need to automatically record the fact that they’ve watched a training video on YouTubeTM? Do you need to survey, track and record references or an ecclesiastical endorsement? What about a written gospel testimony for faith-based volunteers? Would you like the system to automatically email out reminders to volunteers to complete the next step if they’re taking a long time? Our volunteer management system accommodates all of these needs and more making it easy for you get a list of who’s at each step in the process as well as providing each volunteer with a simple checklist to follow. Want to enhance the checklist with instructions, links, and reminder emails? No problem. We can do it.