College and Universities

Take a look at what we offer that specifically addresses the needs of Colleges and Universities:
- Organization Recruiter
- Accurate service and hour totals
- Surveys
- Integrations

Volunteer Recruiting
Want a system that seamlessly reflects the branding of your institution? At Samaritan we’ll configure our eRecruiter web portal to beautifully match the look and feel of your website whether on the Internet or your intranet, so that it looks as if it was done by your own IT staff.

Organization Recruiter
Samaritan’s Organization Recruiter is great for service learning. It allows the non-profits, schools or other local organizations that you work with propose service opportunities for classes and students, you can then review them and decide which ones you want to post so that your students can sign up for them.

Organization Recruiter
Samaritan’s Organization Recruiter is great for service learning. It allows the non-profits, schools or other local organizations that you work with propose service opportunities for classes and students, you can then review them and decide which ones you want to post so that your students can sign up for them.

Accurate Hours
Do you need to accurately track what specific volunteer service work each student did and how long they worked at it so that you can create co-curricular transcripts? With Samaritan’s Approver’s Module students can report their service hours and tasks and then you or the coordinator at a partner organization can review and approve those hours before they are considered “official”.

Need to report more than just hours and participants? Do students serving in the community need to gather and report additional information such as the number of service recipients mentored, tested, or helped? How about metrics on those helped such as a exam score? Samaritan’s survey system lets you create your own surveys to track the unique data you need for each service opportunity.

Do you need a system that will connect to your student, employee, or HR database? How about integrating with a learning management system such as Moodle? How about single sign-on for your staff or students? Then we’re your choice. Click on the Integration Experience tab here to see a few that we’ve done. Have something new that’s not on the list. Not a problem. We do new ones all the time.