
Do you need to integrate your volunteer management system with something else to create a best of breed system?
We’re your team! Whether it’s a background check system, or a donor, human resources, or student database, we’re what you need. Need to connect with single sign-on, social media, digital signature, medical records, a learning management system, or other volunteer recruitment system? How about a phone app, a Windows app or something else? Odds are we’ve already done it. Want to do the integration yourself? We offer a fully documented SOAP/XML web-services API with example code.
- Encrypted File
- Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
Background Checks
- National Center for Safety Initiatives LLC (NCSI)
- Sterling Volunteers (formerly Verified Volunteers)
- First Advantage
- Coeus Global
- Pre-employ
- Certiphi
- Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement
- Washington State Police WATCH
- Datafacts via TazWorks
- Universal Background Screening
- InCheck Solutions via TazWorks
- JDP via TazWorks
- PreCheck
Social Media
Donor & Financial
- Microsoft Dynamic
- Salesforce
Human Resources
- PeopleSoft
- Office of Inspector General LEIE
- PureSafety OHM
- HealthStream
- Workday
Learning Management Systems
- Healthstream
- Owl
- Moodle
- Cornerstone
- Google Maps
- Badging Systems
- DocuSign
- MS SQL Server
- Samaritan SOAP
Exchange API
- Active Directory
- Google Sign-In
- Oauth
- WebService-Federation
- Microsoft Exchange

- Service opportunities and registration forms are built in to YOUR website.
- Volunteers can search for opportunities using attributes, calendar and/or an interactive map.
- Opportunity listings include descriptions, pictures, pre-requisites, schedules, trainings and a Google Map link.
- Intelli-Match recommends the ideal giving opportunities for both volunteers and donors.
- Automatic emails suggest new matches and remind volunteers about shifts.
- Volunteers can edit their information, check schedules, report hours and take surveys.
- Web forms are automatically mobile friendly.
- Volunteers can share opportunities with friends using FACEBOOK, Twitter, and many more.
- Cross-recruit donors, groups, corporations, clients and partners; each with their own forms.
- Criminal background checking can occur (Live!) during the volunteer registration process or “on demand.”
- Reference checking done automatically. References complete custom email questionnaire about volunteer.
- Create special bulletin boards of opportunities, by type, and publish the hyperlinks for them.
Registration for all types of Service
One smart volunteer application can ask the right questions depending on responses so their application is tailored for the type of job they are looking for. Recruiters can require volunteers to sign up first before applying or wait until they are approved.
Promote Service Opportunities
Volunteer coordinators or outside organizations can design their opportunities, control display dates and publish directly to the site. We have many features to attract volunteers, such as: photo displays, banner RSS feeds, Calendar scheduling and group sign up
Integrated background checks make approving volunteers quick and safe. Volunteers can self report service hours or Supervisors can approve volunteers’ self-reported service hours. Approval can also be required for outside organizations requesting to post their opportunities to manage content and consistency.
Volunteer Dashboard
Volunteers can track the progress of their applications and placements with opportunities, upload documentsand photos. Coordinators can search through volunteer interest and availability and check for expiration dates of required testing or references.

- Easily view data through multiple filters. Name and save these filters for day-to-day purposes such as reports.
- Quickly find records by typing what you seek at the top of any active column.
- Manage data for opportunities, programs, events, conferences, trainings, donors & clients.
- Instantly share volunteer & opportunity records with other offices, programs, affiliates or websites that use Samaritan.
- Export any data in standard ‘text’ format for import into spreadsheets, documents, etc.
- Access dozens of pre-built reports (custom reports are available)
- Individual, bulk and automated emails that include mail merging, attachments, etc.
- Drag- ‘n- Drop calendar shows current schedules, open slots, and placed volunteers.
- Ongoing slots can be created using patterns, like “Every Thursday, 2-6pm.”
- Slots can be set to accept a predefined maximum number of volunteers.
- Each slot can be set to recruit episodic or permanent volunteers.
- System automatically records hours for volunteers based on their schedules.
Communication Center
Individual, bulk and automated emails that include mail merging, attachments, etc.
Auto Notifications
Automation provides the tools to update, merge and notify as soon as changes take place. You define the triggers and actions, and technology does the rest, giving you the results you need and the time saved can be spent building your program instead of editing spreadsheets.
From the world of emergency management, Samaritan has developed tracking for credentials, prerequisites and expiration dates and using cloud-based technology made the on-boarding process easier while maintaining security and confidentiality. Coordinators can instantly update records when they receive verification. Volunteers can upload documents, check the status of their application and receive important feedback. Important dates and reminders can be communicated automatically so paperwork backlog and other processing delays don’t get in the way.
Training and Support
We stay with you after your system is in place to help with updates, instruction and troubleshooting issues. Our approach to training is adaptable, just like our software, so we give you the tools to empower your staff and support your system, even when life changes in ways we didn’t expect.

- Track hours, miles, and accomplishments by volunteer, position, and organization/program.
- Volunteers can report their service through your website, sign-in stations and mobile devices.
- Hours can be automatically recorded in the system based on volunteer schedules.
- Develop your own surveys for each opportunity to help track outcomes.
- Team and group leaders can log in – or receive emails – to verify hours served by their volunteers.
- Filter / report hours and survey results by multiple criteria including custom fields, date ranges, and approval status.
- Set custom award levels based or goals and then monitor progress. Automatic emails are sent when each level or goal is obtained.
- View and print volunteer hours by relative date ranges (i.e. “last quarter”).
- Automatically email reports to team members, partners or supervisors.
- Audit reports include info on who verified hours and when. These help with grants and awards.
- Readily view volunteers who have not served consistently. Automatically email suggestions for new opportunities.
- Historical hours are automatically archived even if the volunteer record has been deleted.
Accurate and Easy Reporting
The quality of your data is only as good as the process by which you are able to measure it and trust its integrity. We help you to maximize your volunteer program by keeping your data safe and up to date because we know that your contact lists, financial reports and volunteer reward tracking are critical to building a strong and sustainable program.
Volunteer Self-Reporting
Give the responsibility of tracking hours back to the volunteer by allowing volunteers to report their service hours and access historical data they have reported through the Log Books. Reduce the number of questions (especially around tax time) when volunteers forget how many miles they logged or the dates of their service. Volunteer coordinators can also customize the surveys used to report those hours by program or specific opportunity.
The benefits of software that is configured for your organization include the ability to customize reports and other documents as templates that are consistent in style as well as function. Rather than using separate programs for word processing and data merges, these features are built in. Once the formatting is set up, your documents can be shared for the whole organization, or kept exclusive to particular users or both, depending on the complexity of your needs.
Custom Surveys
Get instant feedback directly from your volunteers after an event or program, or just check in with people you haven’t heard from in a while. Our custom surveys allow you to create correspondence that is stored directly into the database, creating both historical records and data for charting progress and pinpointing areas for improvement. Give voice to your volunteers so that you can respond to their needs and let us store the information for you.

Software as a Service offers the latest in cloud-based technology with the most reliable database protection so that your system is adaptable and evolving to meet your unique requirements. We are always improving our product and our customers benefit from free upgrades and new development.
Database Hosting Options
Whether you want host your site on your local servers or on ours, we can work out the best solution for you needs. We partner with Amazon Web Services, rated number one in customer satisfaction.
Our API and extensive integration experience allow us to connect to your internal database systems for students, employees, background checks, health records, Single Sign On (SSO), and much more.
Our system adheres to all Section 508 accessibility, HIPAA, ESAR-VHP criteria, and 97% of FISMA. Solid web services, so you don’t have to worry.